Costume Guidelines for Players

What we will supply:

  • All trainee’s will be issued with HBT Overalls and a British Commando Cap Comforter. 
  • Any webbing or other field equipment will be issued to you ‘in character’ as and when required. 
  • All Players will be supplied with a large in-character sack/bag to store their modern clothing and washing equipment so as to not distract from the 1940s atmosphere of the bedrooms.  
  • Bedding is supplied by the venue.

You are required to supply your own:

  • Black or brown leather boots

The lessons will most likely involve some form of outdoor activity and sensible footwear is essential. 

  • A suitable supply of underwear 

You will need to bring  a suitable supply of underwear for the duration of the event. Extra socks/undergarments are advised as the weather could be wet.

  • Your undergarments 

These should include a plain vest, a shirt or jumper and at least one set of plain thermals. Although the event is being held in early Sept and we are anticipating good weather, the site is located on the edge of Dartmoor and the weather can turn cold and wet with little or no warning. It is better to layer up and be slightly too warm than to be ill prepared and get cold. 

  • In character sleeping attire

You will most likely be expected to share a room with at least one other player and sleeping nude is not permitted. Please keep sleeping attire as neutral and in line with the 1940s as possible. There are several planned reasons why your character may have to get out of bed in the middle of the night to move around the house. Your nighttime attire needs to be as in-character as possible please. We suggest you may like to consider bringing slippers and dressing gowns for extra comfort. 

  • A towel and wash kit

Colehayes House has comfortable and very modern washroom facilities. We will not be dressing the washrooms in 1940s style so you are welcome to bring modern bathroom items as these areas will not form part of the LARP. 


  • Evening/off duty clothing 

Staff are considered to be ‘on duty’ for the entire event and will not require any civilian attire. Trainees however can (if they wish) bring their own 1940s civilian attire to wear once the day’s lessons are over.  It’s worth noting that this is not a red carpet event. There’s no need to invest in an expensive 1940’s outfit to look like a movie star. This is the story of ordinary men and women from all across Europe, from all walks of life. Many of you will have fled your home country with only the threadbare clothes on your back. Staying in your SOE uniform in the evening will be a sensible and realistic choice for many of you.

  • 1940’s suitcase and luggage 

We will be supplying you with a large sack (similar in size to a duffle bag) to put all your underwear and wash kit etc into. This will help keep the 1940’s vibe in bedrooms but you are also more than welcome to supply your own ‘in character’ luggage if you wish.

  • Personal items and Pocket litter

Please feel free to add some nuances to your character by bringing those ‘little extra’s’. For example, a deck of cards or a vintage looking pack of chocolate. Maybe a framed photo of a loved one or even some nylons to trade! All of these things can add a wonderful sense of depth to your character and help to bring them alive! Please though, no weapons, extra ID papers or other ‘spy equipment’ as this could easily muddy the plotlines.

  • A note on Hair and Jewellery 

We love your coloured hair and all your body piercings, however, they can sometimes distract from other people’s play and 1940s immersion so please be considerate and where possible try to cover up any non-removable obviously modern fashion items you may have. Thank you. 

Prop Guidelines 

We will be supplying all the in-character training equipment you will need for this event. Your characters will have left behind their civilian lives weeks ago and have been sent to Colehayes with very little baggage or personal items. 

DO NOT BRING ANY WEAPONS TO THIS EVENT! LARP/Prop weapons and combat training will form part of the experience for ‘some’ characters. They will be issued, used and then taken back by the staff. Do not bring your own. Your character will have no reason to carry a weapon outside of the training sessions.

Pocket litter however can add depth to your character. We encourage you to think about what personal items that your character may still have upon them. Cigarette cases, watches & jewellery, a bible/book or family photos can all add depth to your play.

This event is for those who enjoy:

Classroom based and hands on learning.
Action and adventure.
Intense relationships and secrets to unravel.


We will be running two events:
9th – 11th September 2024
12th – 14th September 2024


A country manor house and grounds.

Rural Devon, United Kingdom